Get familiar with “GoGetta Quaso” hailing from South Central, Los Angeles California. Growing up in the inner cities of Los Angeles 39Th st and Budlong Avenue to be exact, there is a lot of negativity and bad temptations all around you. Starting off as a very sweet kid, which later changed when he got to his early teens and started dabbling into the street life. Surrounded by bad influences, violence, robbing’s, and more, it’s easy to get caught in the mix. Even through all the trials and tribulations music was always around. Listening to artist like Chief Keef, Drakeo The Ruler, Tupac, Ice Cube, and more. It wasn’t until 2018 when he started having fun and rapping with his friends. Not taking it to serious at first, free styling in the car and rapping at his friends home studio in his closet. As he grew into his sound and direction he later moved onto a professional studio with MixedByDg and the rest is history. Everything above playing apart in the style you hear from him today. A real authentic feel , high level rap and story telling. Make sure to check out his most recent single “Undertaker Flow” out now on all streaming platforms! And stay connected for new music coming sooner than later.
GoGetta Quaso